This work investigate the relationship between object, image, memory and meaning through iterations of a photo of a family quilt.
Quilt Studies 001-003 were shown at OH Gallery as a part of the group show titled Collective/Difference.
Glitch/Unfolding 001
This work was made while in residence with The Villa Lena Foundation in Palaia, Italy.
Photo courtesy of The Luminary
Glitch/Unfolding 001 sold in The Luminary’s 2023 LOT 49 auction in St. Louis Missouri.
7 Compositions According to the Laws of Chance
7 compositions according to the laws of chance is a series of marker drawings mounted to wood panels.

Following the Dadaist/Surrealist tradition of incorporating chance in the ordering of elements within a given picture, I created these works systematically by pulling markers from a bin at random to determine the composition of color within a set structure. I see this work as a direct response to Jean Arp’s Collage with Squares Arranged According to the Laws of Chance, 1916 and Ellsworth Kelly’s Spectrum Colors Arranged by Chance II, 1951.
Shown at Missouri State University’s 2023 Juried Student Exhibiton, curated by Caleb Taylor. This work was given the “Best Graduate” award at the juried show.
Accumulation of Blue
Accumulation of Blue is a series made in response to a drawing of a rainbow sent to me by my 9-year-old niece Abi.

Accumulation of Blue was created systematically using faded pieces of construction paper, a simple grid drawing, and alcohol-based markers. By pulling markers at random, I meticulously filled in the grid from left to right, top to bottom, with the colors that were pulled. After repeating the process three times over I noticed an accumulation of blue throughout the series. This process of making this work felt pure, similar to how a child might approach making. By eliminating an element of choice - color - I was left to observe and respond to the results of the experiment. This gentle act of making and noticing was meditative and felt spiritual in nature. Accumulation of Blue reminds me of the soft and gradual progression of a sunrise, the way that time folds into itself.